Transmissionism fungerer ikke
Transmissionism, eller transmissjonisme, beskriver ideen om at kunnskap kan overføres direkte fra lærer til student ved å fortelle/skrive om temaet. Altså at en bok med tekst eller en forelesning, uten oppgaver e.l., skal føre til at studenten sitter igjen med samme kunnskap som læreren har.
Dette stemmer selvsagt ikke.
"Wiktionary Transimissionisme".
Fra Why Books Dont Work:
"Lectures, as a medium, have no carefully-considered cognitive model at their foundation. Yet if we were aliens observing typical lectures from afar, we might notice the implicit model they appear to share: “the lecturer says words describing an idea; the class hears the words and maybe scribbles in a notebook; then the class understands the idea.” In learning sciences, we call this model “transmissionism”. It’s the notion that knowledge can be directly transmitted from teacher to student, like transcribing text from one page onto another. If only! The idea is so thoroughly discredited that “transmissionism” is only used pejoratively, in reference to naive historical teaching practices"